Right now I think we need a heart checkup, or a marriage checkup. I’m not going to ask the obvious question-“How are you doing in the Intimacy Department?”-because if you are like my pastor friends, there are issues and areas that need some work. But don’t be discouraged.

Your marriage is no different than mine or all the other guys you know. No marriage is all that it could be. Why?

Because you and I are not all we could be in our spiritual growth and maturity. And that’s the challenge!

Your marriage, like mine and others, is always in need of “fine turning.” People change. Marriage partners change.

The family makeup changes. And the marriage must adapt to the changes that are occurring in the two people that make up that marriage. Your ability to adapt to the ages and stages of marriage will ensure that intimacy in all its glory will always be there. Ask God to open your heart to changes than you need to make in your life that will encourage and enhance intimacy with your wife.

Have you noticed that I haven’t said anything about your wife? I would have to say in the majority of marriages, it is the wife who is waiting and praying for greater love and sensitivity on her husband’s part. Even if there are problems than only your wife can change, the fact is, God calls us to change ourselves and we are directly accountable to Him for doing what’s right in the marriage relationship. Scripture never calls us to attempt to change a spouse. So, what do you say to taking a few first or further steps to showing greater love and concern?

Now, I must alert you that you may find your wife to be a bit skeptical and cautious at first! This will be the case if there have been instances of insensitivity on your part.

But she will more than likely (Lord willing!)respond to your God-motivated efforts. Then the two of you can continue traveling on the road of marriage that honors God and gives you both all of the intimacy each of you desires and can handle. Sounds great, doesn’t it? It should sound great, because that’s what God meant when He created man and woman to enjoy intimacy, to become “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

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